  • Secure Upload

    Filetypes allowed: jpg, jpeg, zip, png, pdf, doc, docx, txt, xml, xlsx. pdf documents are preferred.

    Please DO NOT just take pictures with your phone. It works much better for us if you install and use any of the free scanner apps available at the Apple app store, or Google Play.  Apple devices come with a built-in scanner within the NOTES application.
  • Upload Your Documents (Multiple Files Allowed)


  • These are Secure Web Sites: Information you send us must pass through your own computer, your own Internet Service Provider, our Internet Provider, and eventually to us. As soon as the personal information that you have put into your browser leaves your computer, it is encrypted using "SSL" (Secure Sockets Layer) technology. Any network between you and us, including your ISP and our ISP, will only see garbled encrypted data if they were to "eavesdrop" on our connection. This ensures that no other site can assume the identity of the original site. You can verify by looking for https in the domain name. The 's' means secure. Un-secure sites only say http.

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